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Da Boyz:

In no particular order, here are the men of the Rat Pak. Click on thier name to go to thier own seperate profile page. Each should have an e-mail addy and all kinds of cool stuff ready and waiting for ya. So what are you waiting for? GO!


The runner of the site and quite possibly the most handsome man in the world. Oh yeah, that's right, Duncan is THE MAN~!
Actor, singer, wrestler, porn star...wait...nonono, I lied, im sorry, I have never been an Actor. Sorry. The rest however is true. Oh it's true, its true...

Chris Duncan

La Pagina Original de Cuentas Sobre el Hombre y el Ganador

The resident "Yeah, I can play that" guy in the Pak and also, the resident pedophile by default. Okay, so his new girl is over 18, good for them. Outside of that, Pick is a damn cool guy and this is coming from someone who had to live with him for a year and knows how goddamn annoying he can get (and he knows JUST how annoying I can get too, I assure you). Pick=Kool. Nuff Said. By the way, he was the first guy to fill his lungs and scream "STOOOOOOOL!"

Chris Pickett


I can feel the gayness factor rising already. Actually, in all honesty, Paul is prolly the straightest out of all of us, cuz really, the dude is a player. Were all just jealous of Paul, cuz, hes tall, good looking and can sing like nobodies buisness. Oh no, wait, I was lying. Hes just gay. Paul, you are one hell of a sport and you have our respect. Even if you cant beat Jabarie at Tekken to save your life.

Paul Haasch


What the hell happened to this guy? One minute hes "Herpies", the kid with more medical problems than the kids you see starving out in some country in the middle Africa somewhere, and the next, hes.... this thing. Herbs is now like all... cool and stuff. Either that, or I got uncool really fast. That might be it. Who cares. Herbs is always cool regardless, cuz, hey, hes in the Pak and your not.

Chris Hoerber


The Resident Redneck. Ok, I wont pick on Mike, cuz really, he'd beat my ass with a belt buckle or something. Or a cowboy boot. I dunno. But Mike is like the emotional rock of the Pak. He basically is the core of why we gelled so well as he was the one we all could depend on to be who he was and not give a shit about no one else. The fact that the man found God and is coming to peace with his life is so frickin cool I cant even start. But Mike is the Man. Thats that.

Mike Bryant


J-Bar is a playa. Either that or he's really gay. I mean, the guy never has a girl for longer than like two weeks. Really. Whats up with that? I guess they just cant handle so much Man. Either that, or hes hiding in the closet with Stanley. Im gonna go with J-Bar is a pimp because I like that better. That and Pauls the gay one in the group, not J-Bar. J-Bar, we salute you, you token black guy you. And no matter what J-Dawg says, I still believe your black, man. But if you bust out Michael Jackson, I might have to recant...

Jabarie Brown


Jordan is the cynic of the group. Oh, hell, were all cynics minus J-Bar, but I mean, Jordan is the 'crotchety old man' cynic. I mean, 'Back in my day' kinda cynic. Dennis Fuckin Miller kinda cynic. But hes funny though, so its all good. That and he has a cool name. Jordan. Thats just cool. Oh did we mention, Jordan is the one who thought of TAPING the stool. How bright. Or maybe that was Mike. I dunno. Let 'em fist fight, winner gets the rights to be the one who called it.

Jordan Felps
