The Rat Pak Shak


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History of the Pak

It all started because Kyle Maclaughlan wanted to see if he could get away with buying a Playboy Magazine on a chorus trip to Hampton. From that moment, a group was always apparent. When half of them graduated, and Lawson came in, the shunned society sought new members.

Everything was so new, so this group sought the old. Mike Bryant came back, and long time sound technician and honerary 6th member of the Chordoroys Chris Pickett came in.

Jabarie Brown was our youth.

Pickett was our music wizard.

Heorber was our quiet guy.

Jordan and Mike had seen it all and had the experience to back it up.

Duncan was the drama kid.

Paul was our front guy.

When we started declaring our group, people listened and listened good.


The stool, a stool that had broken just before a concert and Lawson sought us out to fix it somehow was the begining of our legend. Soon, the NY trip, escapades on stage, the two minute riser switches, our legend grew and grew. The Rat Pak soon became a well known thing. And with our first website, we showed the world who we were.

Then came college. Duncan and Pickett stayed in Richmond and went to VCU. Though tension flared up between the two, Mikey stepped in to calm things down. After working things out the Pak has only gotten stronger. Mike is still a redneck at the University of Tennessee. After dealing with a second insane break-up he is enjoying the single life in Knoxville. Women!!! Paul is in Miami hanging out with all of his gay friends. I mean everyone knows what Miami is like, and Paul is a perfect fit, (in many ways, POINT!!!!) God knows what happened to Hoerber, but amazingly ECU actually made him a semi normal person. Jabarie is now off at James Madison and is still trying to claim he is black. At least his hair can be used as evidence; he hasnt made believers of everyone yet though. Jordan is a Hokie, whatever the hell that is, at Virginia Tech. He's dealt with his share of shit, but like the Pak is just finding ways to survive. We've come a long way since high school, but we've grown, changed, and didn't turn out too bad..yes even you Paul. As for what the future holds, BRING IT, we're ready!

Rat Pak insignia

The Rat Pak accopmlishments

In our time as a group The Pak has accomplished some wicked cool things.

Sneaked a Nudie Magazine on a school trip just to get away with it.

Put the ND and Iridesance set up at every show including risers and props for every show before anyone else showed up to do it. Never got much credit for that.

The Stool. Nuff said.

Were the most dependable people Lawson had. Yes there were others who fit that bill (Evan Thompsan and many Dolls come to mind) we we a cohesive unit that he could always depend on and not an indiviual.

ReWrote every single song except "Beat it" which Weird Al had gotten to already.

Left the entire group in New York, roamed the streets for a few hours then found the bus before the entire ND group did.

Nicknamed Lawson "Babyface".

Promptly proved to be the ones to drive Lawson insane and keep him sane all at once.

Started an underground cult with our group.

Owned the back right corner of the ND room. No one went there without our permission.

Have somehow managed to all keep in contact after 2 years of school, probably one of the most amazing things we've done.