Katie |
Honestly, I dunno if I would be a sane and/or living person without the following people on this page (Duncan talking) Lets start with Katie. Katie has been there no matter how many times I've come bitching, always with an open ear. I love her dearly and she deserves her props, and they should be bigger than this.

Aislin |
Aislin. Well, honestly, I've only been chatting with her for about two months, if that, online. But man, oh man, she has been there during some crappy moments for me, and also has been around to help me just get through a boring as all hell night with some funny conversations. Ais is a true doll, and, hey, she even dressed up like a gangster for her pic! I mean, c'mon! That's worthy of being here all by itself! Ais, I hereby induct you into being "One of us". The Complete Collection of Cool.
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Becky, her cat and her Sister, in that order. |
"Bad Becky". What can I say? There has never been another person who has been there like Beck who will just listen to me ramble incoherantly and try to help me as much as Becky has. If she knew a way to help, she would do it. Becky is a dear, dear friend who I would do just about anything for, and also deserves many more props than a name and a paragraph can do justice for.

Yay for Marissa "Julie Kingsley"! |
Most of what I would like to say, I really CANT say right here. But, regardless, Marissa has become a close compadre, even though we have never actually even met one another. Through 'Mic Nights' and Role-plays, she ahs become a very dear, very funny, and very entertaining friend. I salute you Marissa!