Chris Mckinney. Happy now? Actually Mckinney is long overdue for a shout out. As a talent, he is a hard find and as a friend and as a genuine person, he is a rare wonderful human being. Not many of those left in this world. No siree bob. Mckinney has been a friend of mine (Duncan) for as long as I have been involved in theatre seriously, begining at Clover Hill. I was honored to work with him in 'Our Town' and hope that life brings to him what he has coming. One day, I promise, Camino will be up, and you WILL play Gutman!  Joe Cormier and John Brill Yeah, so the picture is as old as all get out. Id say prolly, '97-98 ish. Since then, Joe has no hair and is happily married, serving our country, I have dyed my hair blonde and had it go back to black twice and have grown in height and waist size and John...well, he is identical to how he was. Regardless, these two guys are two of the best friends a man could ask for and continue to be a source of inspiration for the aura of tha Pak. I would be remiss not to mention Patrick Showalter here as well. Patty is not in this picture and isnt on the page for the simple fact that I dont HAVE a picture of him. Patty though, is just as important as anyone else on this page in the spirit of the Pak. A true easy going, utterly perverse and really good guy. SALUT, SALEM!  The Theatre Class of 2000. Mark Walker, Jamie Berlin, Mr. Kenestrick (Or just Mr. K. the teacher), Emily Bryner and Angie Shulz. A group of talented and wonderful people whom I have had the pleasure of knowing. The same time the Rat Pak was officially declared, this group, along with myself, formed as well. Theatre was never quite the same after our rendition of 'The Princess Bride'. Oh yes, we were, still are, and forever will be K's Kids. The Dolls. Kristen Reyas, Sarah Post, and Caitlin Manasco. 3 Women who have spawned many a great time in the life of at least ONE Pak Member. 
Caitlin Manasco: Esmerelda a), and one who is 'often blonde'. How else do you put it than she is a wonderfull, great looking and fantastic person whose place on The Rat Pak Shak, like the others here, dosn't serve them justice to what they mean to us (or at least me >.<). Sarah Post: My God, how do we begin? Sarah is quite possibly on her way to the bright lights and fame that she so richly deserves. Sexy, sweet and So, So, Talented, she should be appearing at a stage near you SOON! Kristen: Esmerelda b), A beautiful, talented and wonderfull friend whom Duncan is proud to induct into the Site. A Cheerleader, punk loving, scene stealing chica who's too bashfull to tell you she can. YOU try saying no to that face... 
(Above) K-Mac, Kyle Maclaughlan. Kyle is so bad ass that he redefines 'bad ass' waits for Webster to write down the new one, then does it all over again. Fuckin' A. Kyle made that nifty Rat Pak insignia for us and was one of the founding fathers of the attitude that began us. In other words, me and Kyle were doing the Rat Pak thing without the cool name before he graduated. So K-Mac, you are an official Honorary Member of the Order of The Rat Pak. Or something like that. You bad ass, you.

Carrie HanieteruiyyagyflkjfiAK. |
Ok, so even after three years, I STILL can't spell her last name without help. C-A-R-R-I-E has been nicknamed (by others AND by her own admission) 'The Bitch". Since this site is somewhat classy and cool, I am going to alter that ever so slightly and name her "Le Bitch". See? Isn't that cooler? Anyway, Carrie is one hell of a doll and if you make her angry... well... don't ever ever EVER make her angry, okay? Just not a good idea. She actually threatened me with castration if I didn't put her up here. It's funny because it's true...

Jessica Whitfield |
Isn't that just the sexiest picture of all time? I mean, that's just right up there with the Marylin Monroe shot with the wind blowing her dress up.
Jessica Whitfield. Prolly one of the absolute sweetest people in the world. If Willy Wonka could make a candy bar as sweet as her, he would be... well... alot richer than he is already. Ok, so that one didn't work out too well, but Jessica IS scrumdidilyumsciously sweet. I made that word up, but you know, it fits. Because no real word can describe how beautiful, smart, sexy and sweet Jessica Whitfield is. That and she ganged up with Carrie on castrating me if she didn't appear PRONTO. What is it with Acrop chicks and making Tenors into Soprano's.... Go find Matt, I don't think he'd mind...