Burn it Black Posted on August 6, 2002 at 06:10:43 PM
I know the pieces fit Cuz I watched the fall of Rome
Just weird.
That's the only way Tommy could express how he felt when he walked in the doors of the RWA locker rooms after creaming the hell out of Blood. Cliff had it comin' though, and he knew that. They all knew that.
Tommy Levi was not a name that people threw around as much as a Dawkins or a Blood when the word Legend came up. That was fine. Tommy never set out to be a legend. Tommy set out to take out what he felt on others, and to make money doing it. When pride got in the way, when the idea of moving on to the WWE, where he would make no more money than he did in the RWA came along, he let Pride get in the way.
And then it was crushed.
So to say that he didn't care that most of the locker room looked at him as a betrayer coming into the locker room like he did, or some failed child coming home from horrible grades in college, was an understatement. It was more like he was enjoying it. Because now... now, he was home. And now, he could rule without the politics he had to endure before. Now he could work free.
There was no Jim Cornette waiting at the curtain pulling him back from tearing someone a new hole. No ettiquete to keep up when it came to talking about wrestlers dating owners daughters. No public relations department telling you what you could and could not say, that all depending on if you were lucky enough to get air time to say it.
And most of all, here, Tommy Levi, was just that. Tommy Levi.
The Enforcer.
The feeling came to him like it always had. The rush of adreniline, the fear of stumbling over your words lying at the bottom of the belly. The focus on the little red light turning to green to let you know that, yes, you were on.
And here he was, backstage, RWA Gold Gym in Chicago Ill. cutting a promo for the first time in awhile.
It felt good.
"Iiiiiiii'm baaaaaaaaaa-aaaaack. That's right folks, the good people at the WWE bring to you it's number one reject for a program with Stone Cold Steve Austin! Yes, that's right, the man that gave Austin a black eye, a busted nose, a wounded pride and sent him packing for home one warm night backstage at RAW has rearrived here in the RWA! Now, I know that this audience is made up of mostly 'Smarmy Smarts" so you all know that story quite well, but for my sake, heres one more word. Austin, your wife has bigger balls than you, at least she had the hutzpah to tell Vince where he could stick it before she sold herself completly out. Looks like your just as much of a grade A bitch though.
Now, I'ma make this real short and sweet, cuz I got some other stuff to do right now, but it comes down to this. I came back with Taylor, not for active competition, not to fight every Tuesday against the Justin Sanes of this world. No, I came back to fight whoever, whenever, wherever I feel like it. And Boyce knows it. I bring controversy. I bring ratings. And I bring money. And if the boys have a problem with that, they can step up, grab themselves a piece of this pie and then start bitching like other people I know about angles they get. But until you prove you are worth my time to expend the energy to distinguish who you are, I will beat the shit out of people and not bother to learn thier names. That's just the kind of guy I am. Now, get outta my face before I start with Filmme McCameraguyton."
And the last thing the camera sees is two middle fingers sticking into the camera, each with black magic marker writing on the backs of the hands, reading simply:
"Stone Cold = Pussy"