There are two versions of Tommy Levi. One being the alter ego and backyard wrestler that Chris Duncan portrays when he feels like defending his FSW crown, and the online roleplay version of Tommy Levi, a much more sadistic and historied character. For the sake of confusion, both Levi's are the same people, but Chris is adament about pointing out that Tommy Levi is a FICTIONAL CHARACTER. And because of that, the Roleplay version of Levi is quite a bit larger and a little less inhibited (possibly more talented) and older than the 'backyard brawler' version. But, regardless, here are the details on the Man(Men?) known as Thomas Aaron Levi. The Backyard Brawler... It began when I was about 7 or so in my great grandmother's FRONT yard. It was well before pro wrestling was popular again, but none the less, we were. Every day after coming home from school, me, a 15 year old named T.J. 'The total Package' and 'The Black Cat' Jerry Brown all showed up to grapple over a fake gold WWF belt. It took a better part of a year for me to do anything but throw dropkicks and elbow drops at Terry or Jerry because of thier size, but soon, i started to really get at them. You can call it shoot if you like, but we knew how to fake the stuff, we just didn't really plan on who would win. Battle Royals, tag matches, title matches, you name it, we had it. Being the dork that I am, I began making promo cards and passing them out on the bus while coming home. They were simple, handwritten and really crappy, but it got the job done. People actually DID come to watch us. Eventually, I as 'Kid Magnum' finally won the world title after a fluke rollup on champion Tj. I dropped it a few times before gaining it on our last show before I moved far away and dissolved the KNWA-Roanoke chapter. By the time I had found enough time and talent to begin again, it was a few years later and I had broken from my 'markdom'. I now was a fan of The Nature Boy, Ric Flair and cheered as he beat the hell out of some poor injured Dusty Rhoades or Sting. My brother did not. And so, me and my bro took the rivalry to the We fought and fought and finally at 13 I decided to change the name of Kid Magnum. Tommy Levi was just the first thing to pop in my head as I sat in Study Hall writing a long since forgotten novel about a successful wrestler. After that little brainstorm I recreated the fed, calling it first the ENWF (Extreme National Wrestling Federation), then shortly naming it the more proper ASWF (American Street-Wrestling Federation). Considering our battles became legendary JUST before the 'backyard revolution' began, it was pretty cool. Kids and adults alike watched us (namley me, Erik "Bonito Enriko" Wilson and Josh "JD Cobra" Duncan) fight in the streets, yards, mail boxes, intersections, houses, trees, you name it, we fought in it. Erik became the biggest fued and many ammounts of blood were shared as the battles grew in intensity and talent. And not to mention sheer idiocy. With the addition of a larger roster, more titles were added, more fueds were made and yes, more blood was shed. The Big Blue Van came into play countless times including the infamous dives by "Bonito Enriko" onto Nathan Mirini "Ruby Blu". Now, Tommy Levi stands as the world champion of the daughter fed to the ASWF (now defunct), the FSW (Future Stars of Wrestling). More still to come... The Troubled Child. The roleplay version started in a few random feds as a gangster, a thug. Eventually as I refined him more in my first permanent home of the RWF (Real Wrestling Federation) giving him a history and some key elements. As you will read, Levi was a troubled child. At 8, he killed his abusive father with a spoon and a refidgerator that happened to fall if you tugged it to hard. After spending quite a while in a home for the mentally unstable, Levi was released at 18. His mother shut him out of her life and upon her death just 6 years later, had nary spoken a word to him in the meantime. Levi spent additional time in regular prison for petty theft before meeting with a former steriod dealer and pro wrestler Erik Bryant. After training with Ivan Koloff, Levi trained with the legendary Ric Flair, following him on the jump from NWA to WWF before making his own path to the ECW and eventually to the Japan scene. There, Levi heard of the RWF and gave it a go. There, Levi met long time companions Taylor Dawkins, Habachi, Edge, Christian, Cliff Blood, and many others. Since the death of the RWF, most of those men moved to the FWA and the RWA. Levi did both, but never really made the impact he wanted on the FWA because of his assosiation with Dawkins. He soon quit and concentrated soley on terrorizing the RWA. This is the Levi in which these stories are based, as he is in the RWA. Be forewarned, This is not edited and is not for the weak of heart or the weak of mind. This is Tommy F'n Levi. And this is his story...  |
Title History: Tommy Levi (Chris Duncan real) has held the ASWF, ENWF, KNWA and FSW World Titles as well as the ASWF and FSW Tag Titles. Tommy Levi (Chris Duncan online) has held the RWF and EFNW World titles as well as the RWF US, IC/North American, Tag, Hardcore and World Title, HWA Hardcore Title, and RWA World, Tag Team and IC championship titles. 
Levi with the RWF and RWA World Titles.  |