Ann Ouncer: Ladies and Gentlemen, making his way to the ring, Taylor Dawkins.
"What we have here is ... failure ... to communicate" The lights slowly dim, and a wall of fire erupts from the stage, kicking off Guns N Roses "Civil War." The wall of fire dies down, as Taylor Dawkins slowly walks down towards the ring. He rolls under the bottom rope, before getting to his feet.
Ann Ouncer: And his opponent, making her way to the ring, Storm.
Storm then makes her way from behind the curtain to a cheering crowd. She waves to the fans before sliding into the ring, and jumps on the turnbuckle to look into the crowd.
Jim Ross: I wonder what Boyce was thinking by signing this one! Dawkins has been trying to, I guess court would be the right word, he's been trying to COURT Storm!
Jack Shidte: Yeah, he's such a Casanova!
The two circle each other, with Taylor Dawkins giving Storm quite a gaze. Maya Buttreeks calls for the bell, and the two engage in the collar to elbow tie up. Taylor Dawkins slowly hooks a side headlock, which Storm quickly counters with a single leg trip, sending both to the mat, with Storm landing on top. Taylor Dawkins winks at her, as she sorta smiles, before quickly hopping to her feet
Jack Shidte: Did you see that? He winked, and she SMILED!
Jim Ross: I don't think that's what happened, it couldn't have been.
Taylor Dawkins regains his footing, and Storm catches him with a boot to the gut, and a right to the face. Storm sends Taylor Dawkins into the corner with an Irish whip, and follows up with a cartwheel back hand spring elbow. Upon colliding with Taylor Dawkins, Storm wraps his arms around her
Jack Shidte: Taylor Dawkins just tried to cop a feel!
Jim Ross: Okay, enough is enough. She's a married by God woman!
Storm turns, and floors Taylor Dawkins with a shot to the family jewels! Taylor Dawkins slowly crumbles in the corner, and Storm follows up with a bronco buster
Jim Ross: Take that, Dawkins!
The cameras, however, see Taylor Dawkins smiling.
Jack Shidte: HAHAHA! I love that man!
Jim Ross: He is a disgusting, evil, wretched, vile, perverted, sick man!
Storm continues the Bronco Buster, but Taylor Dawkins begins to lift her into the air, with her in perfect position for a powerbomb. Taylor Dawkins palms her butt, to which Storm counters with a frankensteiner. Taylor Dawkins gets to a knee, looking somewhat puzzled, and Storm just snaps his neck back with a side kick. Taylor Dawkins holds his face, and blinks suddenly, and in an instant, the smile is gone
Jack Shidte: Oh no, Storm just made a HUGE mistake
Jim Ross: I saw that, Jack. Taylor Dawkins is insane. Storm needs to leave the ring now.
Taylor Dawkins gets to his feet, and begins stalking Storm, who backs up into the corner. Taylor Dawkins grabs Storm by the hair, and drops her with a knee to the gut. Storm coughs, as Taylor Dawkins follows up with a soccer kick to her side, and then another. Blood begins to trickle from Storms mouth
Jim Ross: God dam^ him! Dam^ that son of a b!tc#! He's taking this too far!
Jack Shidte: Don't blame him! He was having fun, but Storm just had to make this a match!
Jim Ross: IT IS A MATCH!
Taylor Dawkins lifts Storm by her hair, and hurls her to the floor, a good 2 feet over the top rope. Storm lands hard on the concrete, as the fans begin to boo louder. Taylor Dawkins stands on the top rope, stretching his arms out to the sides, before leaping, and landing a flying elbow drop across Storms throat.
Jim Ross: Why the hell is Referee Buttreeks allowing this?
Jack Shidte: I thought you knew this, Jim, but a flying elbow is perfectly legal!
Jim Ross: Dawkins isn't just wrestling anymore, he's looking to hurt her
Jack Shidte: Then she shouldn't have gotten in the ring
Taylor Dawkins grabs Storms throat, and lifts her to her feet, before driving her back into the cement with a kneeling chokeslam. Before the crowd can even react, Taylor Dawkins got her back on her feet, and rolls her back in the ring. Taylor Dawkins again brings her to her feet, and spikes her with a leaping piledriver. Storm bounces off the mat like a rubber ball, as Taylor Dawkins makes the cover. Maya Buttreeks makes the count. 1....2 Taylor Dawkins lifts up Storm.
Jim Ross: That piece of crap! He just lifted Storm off the mat!
Maya Buttreeks screams at Taylor Dawkins, who doesn't even see her, though he's looking right at her. Taylor Dawkins lifts Storm once more, and signals for the Fisherman's Buster, when suddenly, the fans explode
Jim Ross: LEVI! Tommy Levi is here! Now we'll see how tough that punk Dawkins is!
Jack Shidte: Yeah, in a two on one effort, he's STILL gonna walk out on top!
Tommy Levi rushes the ring, chair in hand. Tommy Levi measures Taylor Dawkins up, and swings. At the last second, Taylor Dawkins brings Storm in the line of fire, using her as a human shield. Storm collapses to the mat. Tommy Levi, stunned by the proceedings, leaves himself wide open for a kick to the gut, and a Fisherman's Buster. Taylor Dawkins then lifts Storm once more, and drops her with a Fisherman's Buster as well. Taylor Dawkins pulls Storms tights to reveal her thong.
Maya Buttreeks: One!
Jim Ross: Oh, this is real funny! He has to pull the tights, like she's gonna kick out!
Maya Buttreeks: TWO!
Jack Shidte: She could! She IS an RWA superstar!
Maya Buttreeks: THREE!
Jack Shidte: Oh well, maybe not
Taylor Dawkins kneels over his two fallen foes, and suddenly, begins whispering "I'm sorry" to Storm. The crowd begins cheering again, as Boyce of Reason makes his way down the aisle. Taylor Dawkins sits Storm up, and signals that Boyce of Reason shouldn't take another step. Boyce of Reason abides the warning. Taylor Dawkins brings Storm to her feet, and drapes her over his shoulder, again signaling Boyce of Reason to back up towards the entrance. Taylor Dawkins begins making his way up the aisle himself. With about ten feet between the two, Taylor Dawkins puts the unconscious Storm on the ground, and passionately kisses her
Jim Ross: OH BY GOD NO! What is this guy's problem??
Jack Shidte: He's just taking care of her!
Boyce of Reason looks as if he's gonna snap, watching his wife be desecrated. Taylor Dawkins then heads to the side of the ramp, and disappears behind the curtain, as Boyce of Reason tends to Storm.
Jim Ross: Taylor Dawkins can burn in hell.