The Legend Of Tommy Levi
July 17 Results.


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July 17,2001 Tuesday Night Triumph:

"What we have hear is ... failure ... to communicate" The lights slowly dim, and a wall of fire erupts from the stage, kicking off Guns N Roses "Civil War." The wall of fire dies down, as Taylor Dawkins slowly walks down towards the ring. He rolls under the bottom rope, before getting to his feet.

Jim Ross: What is Taylor Dawkins doing here? He is not scheduled to compete!

Jack Shidte: Hopefully he will join us at ringside.

Taylor Dawkins walks up to Ann Ouncer, and grabs the mic from her.

Taylor Dawkins: The Soul Fly and Assassin match can wait. Last Saturday at WAR! I took Tommy Levi, and I single handily destroyed him.

Jim Ross: Single handily?

Jack Shidte: Yeah Single Handily.

Taylor Dawkins: As you know, I was not at one hundred percent, yet through my injury I was able to overcome the obstacles and put Tommy Levi through a table. Apparently Tommy boy has not learned, as he is set to arrive here any minute. What I am doing now, is giving Tommy fair warning, that I will .......

"Higher Ground" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers plays through the PA system as President Boyce makes his way to the ring. Ann Ouncer hands the Mic over to President Boyce, as he gets ready to speak.

President Boyce: Dawkins, what in the hell do you think you are doing?

Taylor Dawkins: This does not concern you.

President Boyce: What is going on between Levi and yourself is RWA business, therefore making it my business. What is going on in your head? I mean you are not the same Taylor Dawkins I remember. Your not even the same man I hired into the RWA. I remember you to be the fighting man of the RWF, now you hide behind a coffee can containing the ashes of Tommy Levi's mother? It is just plain sick!

Taylor Dawkins: If your opinion mattered to me, it might very well mean something.

President Boyce: Dawkins, you came out here and postponed a match, you viciously attacked Tommy Levi on numerous occasions, and have shown signs of being unstable. I hate to do this to you, but you have given me no choice, but to release you from the RWA.

Jack Shidte: What? He can't do that!

Jim Ross: He just did!

Taylor Dawkins: Let me get this straight, you are firing me?

President Boyce: Taylor, you got yourself in this mess. The RWA has no need for the likes of you. There are many places out there that will put up with you, the RWA is not one of them.

"Party Up" by DMX plays through the PA system as Will Richard's makes his way to the ring. Will Richard's slides inside the ring and walks right up to Boyce. Will Richard's grabs the mic from President Boyce and starts to speak.

Will Richards: I may have come by at a bad time, but I could not help but overhear the conversation going on. Now Dawkins, you know I am not a fan of yours. Hell we still have much bad blood between us. Granted we may not be in the RWF anymore, do not think for a second I have gotten over that fluke victory you hold over me.

Taylor Dawkins: Unless you guys have a point to make, I am going to leave now.

Will Richards: Hold on Dawkins, just cause I hate you, does not mean I am going to just let you leave the RWA. I was just appointed commissioner this morning, and I plan on making my first decision.

President Boyce: Will, I already fired Dawkins.

Will Richards: Hold on Boyce, you are going to like this. Taylor Dawkins, you are not fired, but you will be punished. At Inferno, you will be facing Tommy Levi, in a match of his choosing. If you do not appear, you will be fired on the spot.

Taylor Dawkins kicks the bottom rope, and slides out of the ring, as Will Richards looks over to President Boyce.

Jim Ross: Levi and Dawkins at Inferno!

Jack Shidte: How can Will Richards do this?

Jim Ross: You heard him, he is the new commissioner."


President Boyce is seen sitting in his office, as Storm walks in.

Storm: Hon, did I hear right? You made Will Richards the commissioner?

President Boyce: Yeah, We settles are differences and talked things out. I thought this would be good for the company.

Storm: Well, now that you have the commissioner slot taken care of, how about the VP?

President Boyce: Storm, I cannot give you that job. People will say think I am showing you favortism for being my wife.

Storm: I am not referring to me silly. I was just talking to an old friend from the RWF, who I think will be perfect.

President Boyce: From the RWF? Who is it?

Storm then leans forward and whispers in President Boyce's ear. President Boyce then has a look of shock, as he turns and faces Storm.

President Boyce: Are you serious?

Storm smiles and nods her head yeas, as the camera cuts back to Jim Ross and Jack Shidte.

Jack Shidte: Who was Storm talking about?

Jim Ross: How am I supposed to know, I was sitting next to you the whole time


Ann Ouncer: Ladies and Gentlemen, making his way to the ring, Dark Angel

"Dead Bodies everywhere" by Korn plays over the PA system, as black flames start rolling down the entrance ramp. Dark Angel then makes his way to the ring.

Ann Ouncer, and his opponent, Tommy Levi.

"Here Comes the Snake" by the cherry poppin Daddies starts to play, as Tommy Levi enters through the curtain. He enters the ring, and unwraps the tape from the fist of his right hand revealing a blade. He slowly drags the blade across his forehead, so that he begins bleeding. As he bleeds, he lets it run into his mouth so that he can taste it.

Al Koholic calls for the bell. Dark Angel charges Tommy Levi, and hits him from behind with a forearm. Dark Angel spins Tommy Levi around, and kicks him in the midsection. Dark Angel then begins punching Tommy Levi in the side of the head. Dark Angel then chokes Tommy Levi in the corner. Al Koholic starts to count Dark Angel. 1....2....3....4 Dark Angel releases the hold, and hits Tommy Levi with a full nelson slam. Dark Angel picks up Tommy Levi and sends him into the ropes. Dark Angel tries to elbow Tommy Levi in the face, but Tommy Levi ducks it and comes back with a clothesline. Tommy Levi gets on top of Dark Angel, and starts punching him in the face, until Al Koholic brakes it up. Taylor Dawkins runs to the ring with a two by four with a nail sticking out of the end.

Jim Ross: Dam^ him, President Boyce just warned Dawkins about the attacks on Levi!

Jack Shidte: Yeah, well Dawkins doesn't care.

Jim Ross: Dawkins will care in less then a month when he has to face Levi at Inferno.

Tommy Levi stands up and looks at Taylor Dawkins as he slides into the ring. Al Koholic stands between the two men, as Taylor Dawkins turns and hits Dark Angel in the head with the two by four. Taylor Dawkins then points the two by four at Tommy Levi, before walking back into the dressing room.

Ann Ouncer: Ladies and Gentlemen, the referee has declared this match a no contest.