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Da Shak- The only place where Paul's Mom won't follow him. (point!)
(Updated Every Monday... at least we try)


Being Bad and Nationwide since 1999.

August 23, 2002
Ok, venting time is over and it's time to move on.  Thanks to Duncan for fixing the site, it's much appreciated.
On a personal note, my life got tremendously better last night because COLLEGE FOOTBALL seaosn has started. 
Honestly I really have no clue what everyone is doing.  I am back at school and have been in class for the last 3 days.  Currently I am waiting around for my Finance class, which is really going to suck cuz it's very hard. 
Anyways, everybody should be heading back to school or already be there except for Duncan.  He is above us lowly academics and still has his eyes on Hollywood. 
Hopefully Jordan enjoyed his stay at the beach and found himself a cute little beach bunny. 
Paul and Enrique had there first big fight.  Enrique caught Pail messing around with the pool boy.  Shame on you Paul, Enrique should of known something was up when Paul hired Stanley to clean the pool.  To everyone who didn't see that one coming, you should be ashamed of yourself.
Anyways, as I said not much is going on.  Good luck at college everyone and God Bless.
- The Redneck

My Website, so my opinion matters. My opinion is, screw everyone else, RAT PAK 4 LIFE.

You know who you are.


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Rat Pak SONG of the moment:
"Crazy Train" - Ozzy Osbourne
The classic of classics from the man who went from "Devil" to "Harmless old man" in the span of one television show.



Yes, we are that cool. Yes, we will give you nightly pleasure. Yes, we do make house calls. Well, except Paul...



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